Demo Application Setup

This guide demonstrates how to set up the sample demo Singpass Application built on React framework and Javascript API as server-side code.

To begin the setup, you’ll need to:

Step 1: Clone the Frontend Code of Sample Application

  • In Visual Studio Code, open a new terminal. Clone the Singpass Demo App Frontend repository.

git clone

Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory

  • Once the project is created, open the cloned project directory.

Step 3: Install the Project Dependencies

  • Use npm install command to install the project dependencies.

npm install

Step 4: Run the React Application

  • Use npm run start command to run the React application. The application should be loaded up automatically through the web browser The demo project calls the token endpoint through an external API hosted on a separate server.

npm run start

Step 6: Clone the Server Side Code of the Sample Application

  • Open a new Visual Studio Code window, then open a new terminal. Clone the Singpass Demo App Sever Side Code repository.

git clone

Step 7: Deploy the Sample Application

  • Deploy both the frontend code and server-side code separately to your desired hosting platform. Refer to this simple guide on how to deploy a mobile/web application. The sample server-side code is hosted on Netlify as an API function, hence there is a Netlify folder created as per Netlify's requirement. You may need to refer to the documentation of the different hosting providers when deploying your application.

Next steps