NRIC number or FIN of user. NRIC number is the unique identifier given to every Singapore Citizens (SC) and Permanent Residents (PR), while FIN is the unique identifier for Foreigners.
Partial NRIC/FIN
Last 3 numerical digits and checksum of the NRIC/FIN number, prefixed with '*****' (e.g. "*****567A" from the full NRIC number of "S1234567A").
Principal Name
Full name of user printed on NRIC or FIN card. Includes Surname if any.
Alias Name
Refers to an alternate/additional name of the user that is legally recognised.
Hanyu Pinyin Name
Refers to the officially romanised Chinese name of the user.
Hanyu Pinyin Alias Name
Refers to the legally-recognised alternate officially romanised Chinese name of the user.
Married Name
Refers to the family name or surname adopted by the user upon marriage.
Secondary Race
Refers to secondary racial category of the Person, if any.
Refer to Code Listing (RaceCode)</a> for list of possible values
Date of Birth
Residential Status
Indicate if the user is a Citizen, PR or others. Blank value will be returned for FIN holder. Refer to Code Listing (ResidentialCode) for list of possible values
Refer to Code Listing (NationalityCitizenshipCode) for list of possible values
Country/Place of Birth
Refer to Code Listing (CountryPlaceCode) for list of possible values
Passport Number
Passport Expiry Date
Pass Type
This refers to the pass type of a FIN holder.
Refer to Code Listing (PassTypeCode) for list of possible values.
Note that this only applies to a FIN holder with a valid pass issued by ICA/MOM.
Pass Status
This refers to the pass status of a FIN holder.
Note that this only applies to a FIN holder with a valid pass issued by ICA/MOM.
Pass Expiry Date
This refers to the pass expiry date of a FIN holder.
Note that this only applies to a FIN holder with a valid pass issued by ICA/MOM.
Employment Sector
This refers to the employment sector of a FIN holder.
Note that this only applies to a FIN holder with a valid pass issued by MOM.
Mobile Number
Mobile number must be made editable at digital services even though data source is Singpass.
Email Address
Email address must be made editable at digital services even though data source is Singpass.
Registered Address
For SC/PR - Registered address is the address that is printed on the NRIC card.
For FIN - Registered address is applicable for foreigners under the following Pass Types: ICA-issued Passes - Long Term Visit Pass / Long Term Visit Pass + - Student Pass - Immigration Exemption Order MOM-issued Passes - S Pass - Employment Pass - Personalised Employment Pass - EntrePass - Dependent Pass
Type of HDB
Note that this is determined based on user's Registered Address (if it is a HDB flat). It therefore has no association with HDB ownership.
Refer to Code Listing (HDBTypeCode) for list of possible values
Type of Housing
Note that this is determined based on user's Registered Address (if it is not a HDB flat). It has no association with housing ownership.
Refer to Code Listing (HousingTypeCode) for list of possible values.
Last updated
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