


HDB Ownership - Number of Owners

HDB Ownership

Number of Owners.

Note that this does not include executors, administrators or trustees.


HDB Ownership - Address

HDB Ownership

Flat Address.


HDB Ownership - Type of HDB Dwelling

HDB Ownership

HDB Flat Type.

Refer to Code Listing (HDBTypeCode) for list of possible values.


HDB Ownership - Lease Commencement Date

HDB Ownership

Lease Period Start Date.


HDB Ownership - Term of Lease

HDB Ownership

Term of lease for the property computed from the lease commencement date.


HDB Ownership - Date of Purchase

HDB Ownership

Effective Date of flat purchase.


HDB Ownership - Date of Transfer of Ownership

HDB Ownership

Effective date of partial transfer without monetary consideration (e.g. addition, deletion or substitution of a co-owner) for an HDB sold flat.

For partial transfer of flat where at least one of the current owner remains in the household, the Date of Purchase remains unchanged while the Date of Transfer of Ownership will be updated.

For outright transfer where there is a total change of all owner(s), only the Date of Purchase will be updated.


HDB Ownership - Loan Granted

HDB Ownership

The amount of housing loan granted to owner(s) by HDB.


HDB Ownership - Original Loan Repayment Period

HDB Ownership

The number of years for loan repayment opted by owner(s) at the time the loan is first granted to him/her.


HDB Ownership - Balance Loan Repayment Period

HDB Ownership

The remaining number of year(s) and month(s) available to repay the loan.


HDB Ownership - Outstanding HDB Loan Balance

HDB Ownership

Outstanding amount payable to HDB.


HDB Ownership - Monthly Loan Instalment

HDB Ownership

Monthly instalment payable to HDB.


HDB Ownership - Purchase Price

HDB Ownership

This refers to the price at which the flat owner paid for the flat.


HDB Ownership - Outstanding Instalment

HDB Ownership

This refers to the outstanding instalment owed by the flat owner(s) which includes the current month instalment. GST is not applicable. If there is advance payment, the value will be 0.

Last updated